This email will be used to manage your profile on the 25NTC virtual conference platform.
Add your organization name as you want it displayed on the 25NTC mobile app.
This description will be displayed on the 25NTC mobile app. You will be able to edit this later if necessary.
Please ensure a 500x500 px logo of your organization for the 25NTC mobile app. This is for digital use.
Accepted file types: jpeg, jpg, png, svg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
If your logo has a non-square shape, you may upload it here for use in other digital formats such as social media posts.
Accepted file types: jpeg, jpg, png, svg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Upload a high-resolution version of your logo for printing needs. It must be at least 500px wide.
Accepted file types: svg, jpg, png, Max. file size: 2 MB.